The Link Between Loneliness and Substance Abuse: 5 Things You Need to Know

It probably won’t hurt to have a glass of wine or beer once in a while for social reasons unless you have a health problem that prevents you from drinking. But if you turn to alcohol to get you through the day, or if it causes trouble in your relationships, at work, in your social life, or with how you think and feel, you have a more serious problem.

Unfortunately, limited resources are in place for the management of alcohol-related disorders (Tang et al., 2012). There seems to be somewhat of a stronger effort by the Chinese government in terms of smoking cessation resources. Once someone starts drinking to ease loneliness or depression, he or she further increases their sense of loneliness. Additionally, someone drinking can quickly develop a tolerance once he or she drinks a few times. Someone who has 2 to 3 drinks per sitting may soon realize they need a stronger amount of alcohol or more servings per sitting.

Alcohol is a genius… at silently killing people.

In recovery, you are doing a lot of rebuilding, and that includes your primary relationships. For instance, there may be some leftover anger and resentment that needs healing. Mostly, you are a different person in recovery and it takes time to fit that version into existing relationships. If this is a medical emergency or if there is immediate danger of harm, call 911 and explain that you need support for a mental health crisis. If you are on medication to treat depression, alcohol reduces the effectiveness of antidepressants and can increase other side effects like drowsiness, which can be dangerous. We’re in a unique position to notice when our friends are having a hard time, and to take action to support them. If you’re worried that a friend is struggling emotionally, trust that instinct.

  • If you live with both depression and AUD, you’re not alone.
  • So why do some of us continue to drink even if we know it is harming us?
  • Depression increased during this time with changes in loneliness accounting for much of the increase in depression.
  • Spending time in nature can also have health benefits, including improving your mood.
  • Drugs, alcohol, and other dangers to their life must no longer be part of the picture.

All of this can lead you to self-medicate with drugs or alcohol. Alcohol use is so pervasive in our society that it can be hard to find social events where it’s not present. Therefore, people who suffer from loneliness may drink just to have an excuse to get together with others. By 2030, numbers and proportions of older adults with substance-use problems are expected to increase. While risk factors for problem drinking in late life have been identified, it remains unknown whether these factors drive daily drinking among older problem drinkers.

Self Medication – Alcoholism Can Be A Side Effect Of Loneliness

If you’re concerned alcohol has become your go-to method of managing negative feelings like depression, there’s no shame in reaching out for support. When other factors beyond alcohol play into your mood, however, feelings of depression might persist even after your hangover improves. When you have healthy habits in place to cope with unwanted feelings, alcohol and depression you’ll probably find it easier to use these strategies to push back against distressing emotions you might experience while drinking. According to WebMD, nearly one-third of people with severe depression abuse alcohol. Research also shows that children who are depressed are more likely to develop problems with alcohol abuse once they reach adolescence.

How do I stop being depressed from alcohol?

  1. Drink slowly. Limit yourself to one drink each hour.
  2. Eat before drinking.
  3. Don't forget the water.
  4. Avoid alcohol when you're already feeling low.

The co-occurrence of a major depressive disorder and an alcohol use disorder is surprisingly common. These changes, together with appropriate therapy programs, can have a strong positive impact on your life and help you fight both loneliness and addiction.

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